Welcome to the Theta-j
Associates website. Please browse our site to learn
more about the technologies that keep our customers leaders
in their respective industries.
Our Mission is to provide a professional and seamless conduit
for 'State of the Art' RF & Microwave Technologies and Power Conversion Technologies that
our customers must have to remain competitive in their associated
Electronics & Wireless Industries. It is our duty to research the industry
to find the evolutionary technologies that will provide our
customers the 'Tools of Technology' they need to be successful
in tomorrows markets.
Our dedicated RF Engineering Sales Team has a vast library
of design experience and technological tools to solve even
the most challenging problems for your RF & Microwave
as well as Power Conversion applications. Along with our engineering expertise, we have
experience in EDI and Web Based Sales Communications Systems.
We are members of the AES, ERA, EIA, and IEEE.

If we can help you in any way, please contact us at:
Phone: 847-549-8820
eFax: 847-549-8824
Mailing Address: PO Box #5670 Vernon Hills
IL 60061
Technical Inquiry e-mail: engr@theta-j.com
Sales Inquiry e-mail: sales@theta-j.com